Free Printed eBooks for Your Classroom

Limited Time Offer


I recently received a mini grant that will pay the postage to send seven printed Easy to Read Picture eBooks to twenty-nine classrooms in the United States.


If you are a teacher in the United States and would like receive seven free paperback books for your classroom, email me at


Be sure to send the following information:

Teacher's Name




City, State Zip Code

List of seven books you would like to receive


I will mail you the seven titles requested from one or more of my three ebook collections:

1) Easy to Read Picture eBooks - 235 titles available

2) Easy to Read Picture eBooks With OpenDyslexic Font - 235 titles available

3) Easy to Read Picture eBooks in Spanish - 74 titles available


Allow one to two weeks for delivery.


I hope these books will be a helpful addition to your classroom library.

Clark Ness